Free Legal Advice for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Ontario Launches Pilot Program in Toronto, Ottawa and Thunder Bay to provide survivors of sexual assault with free legal advice. Women living in the City of Toronto also have the option to access the program directly through the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic....

Accounting for Deprivation

Accounting for Deprivation: The Intersection of Sections 7 and 15 of the Charter in the Context of Marginalized Groups. “The Barbra Schilfer Clinic challenged the repeal on the grounds that it disproportionately impacted the safety and security of women. Most...

Extreme Custody Case Involving Jailing of Single Mother

Ontario attorney general must step in to ‘extreme’ custody case: Editorial Published on Sun Aug 03 2014 “The case of a single mother languishing in jail for nine months over a custody case raises questions about our justice system – and cries out for...

Fighting to Restore Canadian Gun Registry

“Toronto legal clinic’s battle to restore Canada’s long-gun registry heats up!” The Toronto Star article highlights our Clinic’s battle to reinstate the gun registry: “The safety and security of women and their equal access to justice has not...

Gun Deaths in US Graphed in Real Time

The visualization demonstrates both the absolute number of individuals as well as their lost years of potential, and you can select to see data by gender, age group, and geographical region. Update: The data was captured in 2013 and can be seen here (starts with a...