On Being Traum-Informed

By Holly Miles What does it mean to be ‘Trauma-Informed?’
At the core of trauma is a persistent feeling of being unsafe in the world. What does it mean to be trauma-informed and how to create trauma-informed spaces that facilitate healing? Read more >>

By Tiffany Lau Developments on Bill C-337 and Bill C-78
This month, two proposed pieces of legislation made their way through the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs for consideration.  Read more >>


In the spirit of women

By Holly Miles In the Spirit of Women
Here at the Clinic, we offer a variety of groups throughout the year.  For many folks who have never attended group therapy, they may have questions about what to expect.


Assessing for risk

By Patricia Coelho Assessing for Risk
According to a 2018study on gender-related deaths of women and girls by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime around 50,000 women were killed worldwide by their intimate partner or family members.


By Ly Berry Who Matters to You?
Prior to the Clinic, my exposure to SHE MATTERS was minimal. Nonetheless, in the weeks leading up to the event, I poured my heart and soul into ensuring this year’s event was a success.